Zerocat Chipflasher  v0.4.3 (board-edition-1)
Flash free firmware to BIOS chips, kick the Manageability Engine.
Parallax’ Tools for the Propeller Microcontroller

Parallax provides a bunch of tools, i.e.:

  • PropGCC, the port of GCC (the GNU Compiler Collection) to the Parallax Propeller
  • OpenSpin, Spin/PASM compiler for the Parallax Propeller
  • PropLoader, a loader for the Parallax Propeller
  • SimpleIDE, a simple desktop environment (not essential, we recommend to use your favorite text editor)
  • "Simple Libraries", the Parallax Learn Simple Libraries subfolder workspace

Zerocat’s Recommended Installation

This recommended installation of the buildchain tools is a two step process:

1. Download “Simple Libraries” Folder

Parallax’ recent “Simple Libraries” shall be used, please download them like...

$ wget

...and unpack the archive in /opt/parallax/. A Simple-Libraries-master subfolder will be created.

We use a snapshot as of commit c4f9a3e273002ec5e6f8b1d1ab95c14cb1823e82.
This folder is available to the chipflasher’s buildchain. See firmware/src/buildchain.cfg for current settings.

2. Installation via GNU Guix

(If not already available on your system, please install the GNU Guix Package Manager. The GNU Guix project recommends installation using the latest release binary, which can be downloaded here: The instructions are linked there too.)

The installation of Parallax’ tools for the Propeller microcontroller via GNU Guix is strongly recommended by Zerocat, for project’s buildchains are pre-configured to use GNU Guix’ installation paths. See firmware/src/buildchain.cfg and firmware/src/Startfile.cfg for current settings.

GNU Guix provides a very comfortable way to...

  • install the complete Propeller development suite from source

    $ guix package --no-substitutes --install propeller-development-suite

  • use precompiled binaries, which is faster, like so:

    $ guix package --fallback --install propeller-development-suite

    If GNU Guix reports unset environment variables, you may set them automatically:

    $ guix environment --ad-hoc propeller-development-suite

3. GNU Guix Version Reference

As a reference, see our output of guix --version:

$ guix --version
guix (GNU Guix) fddf1dc3aba3176b6efc9e0be0918245665a6ebf
Copyright (C) 2018 the Guix authors
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Alternatives & Resources

“SimpleIDE 1.0 RC1” Binary Package

With this binary package, all tools are bundled together. The latest packaged release for GNU/Linux is 1.0 RC1 from 11-24-2014.

Until more recent source repositories of these tools will work, Parallax suggests to install this old binary package “SimpleIDE 1.0 RC1” as a fallback.


Please visit the SimpleIDE Download Site which provides binary packages for both, 32 and 64 bit architectures. For your convenience, we provide shortcuts here:

$ wget
$ wget

This site should guide you towards linux installation instructions as well.

Former Linux Installation Instructions

For your convenience, we provide our backup of former installation instructions, that are known to work.

  • Linux Directions, as adapted from Parallax

    Supports Debian, Mint, and Ubuntu Linux (Intel 32/64­bit)

    Please note the dollar sign ($) represents the command prompt in the steps below. If you see $ command, it means enter command in your command terminal window. Installation requires using the Linux Terminal. The steps below assume you’re logged in with a user account (non-­root access) but do know the root password. NOTE: In Trisquel7, use $ sudo -s to become root.

    To Install:

    1. Download appropriate .deb package (i386 for 32­bit systems or i686/amd64 for 64­bit systems)
    2. Open a terminal and CD to the download folder
    3. Enter $ sudo dpkg ­-i simple-ide_1-0-1-rc1_amd64.deb (adjust the filename to match what was downloaded) a. You may get errors due to dependencies, the next step will take care of that.
    4. Enter $ sudo apt-­get install -­f
    5. Answer yes Y as required to install dependencies
    6. If your user account is not part of the dialout group, you must add it or propeller-load won’t be able to download to the Propeller a. Enter $ sudo adduser ${USER} dialout b. Log out from the system completely, then log back in for permissions to take effect
    7. To remove the package, use $ sudo apt-­get remove simpleide

Related Source Repositories

Original repositories of the first bundle release (SimpleIDE 1.0 RC1):

New Source Repositories

These are newer repositories from David Betz.

Until these repositories will work, Parallax suggests to install the old binary package “SimpleIDE 1.0 RC1” as a fallback.